Voice marketing: harnessing the power of conversational AI to drive customer engagement

Minsky, Laurence

Voice marketing: harnessing the power of conversational AI to drive customer engagement - Lanham Rowman & Littlefield 2024 - viii, 206 p.

Table of content:
Foreword by Philip Kotler

Chapter 1: Marketing over Voice Applications

Guest Perspective 1: The Marketing Industry is Up Next for AI Disruption, by Paul Roetzer, AI Marketing Institute

Guest Perspective 2: The Google Voice Landscape, by Danny Bernstein, formerly of Google

Extended Case Study: Nike & Reebok New Product Introductions

Chapter 2: Branding in a Voice-First World

Guest Perspective 1: Why Brands Have a Crucial Role to Play in Our Voice-Activated Digital Future, by David Roth, The Store – WPP, BrandZ, and BAV Group

Guest Perspective 2: Deviating from General Purpose Assistants: Custom Intelligent Voice Assistants, by Jason Fields, Voicify

Extended Case Study: General Mills Lucky Charms Brand Building

Chapter 3: Audio Branding and Its Importance

Guest Perspective 1: The Science of Voice Branding, by Charles Spence, Oxford University

Guest Perspective 2: Black Voices Matter: The Quest for Sonic Diversity, by Steve Keller, Studio Resonate, SXM Media

Extended Case Study: McDonald’s UK Mobile Voice Ordering

Chapter 4: Understanding the Audience for Voice

Guest Perspective: Algorithmic Bias in Audio AI, by Kalinda Ukanwa, University of Southern California

Extended Case Study: Butterball Turkey Voice Hotline

Chapter 5: Data Privacy and Ethical Considerations

Guest Perspective: Trust: The Essential Element for the Growth of Voice Assistance, by John Stein, the Open Voice Network

Extended Case Study: Sony Hand Wash Tunes Help Families Fight COVID 19

Chapter 6: Goals and KPIs for Voice Marketing

Guest Perspective: Some Notes on Recent Voice Research: Listen to the Second Voice, by Michael Brazeal, Roosevelt University

Extended Case Study: Allstate Customer Care

Chapter 7: Developing Marketing Content for Voice

Guest Perspective: Content That Keeps Them Coming Back, by Sarah Andrew Wilson, Matchbox.io

Extended Case Study: Dominos

Chapter 8: The Advantage of Marketing the Voice Experience

Guest Perspective 1: Build It and They Won’t Come: Shout It from the Rooftops and They Will, by James Poulter, Vixen Labs

Guest Perspective 2: Beyond the Smart Speaker, Roger Kibbe, North America Bixby Labs, Samsung Research Americas

Extended Case Study: Using Your Voice to Share a Coke

Chapter 9: Analyzing, Maintaining, and Refining a Voice Strategy

Guest Perspective: Voice Analytics: Getting from Learning to Real World Value, by Romina Pankoke, Vixen Labs and Women in Voice

Extended Case Study: Finish Dishwasher Pro Detergent

Chapter 10: Voice Implementations Across Industries

Automotive Perspective: Industry Implications of Voice: Opportunities of Voice Apps in the Car, by Shyamala Prayaga, formerly of Ford Motor Company

Banking, Finance & Insurance Perspective: Improving the Customer Experience While Improving Operations, Robin Keira, Digitalscouting

Entertainment Perspective: Entertainment, Entertainment Marketing and Voice Tech, Donald Buckley Treehouse and (previously)Warner Bros.

Healthcare Perspective: Supporting Post Op Patients, by Sirish Kondabolu, Orthobullets

Retail Perspective: The Effect That Voice Will Have on Retail, by Gwen Morrison, WPP’s Global Retail Practice and Candezant Advisory and Manolo Almagro, Q Division

Extended Case Study: Mercedes Benz In-Care Experience

Chapter 11: Voice for Now and the Future


Further Reading


About the Authors


“Hey Google, how can you help me reach more customers and strengthen my brand?”

Voice-enabled technologies are an integral part of our lives, and they present vast opportunities for marketers who are up to the challenge. With Voice Marketing: Harnessing the Power of Conversational AI to Drive Customer Engagement, marketers learn key strategies and tactics of the voice world while following a clear roadmap for developing and executing a voice marketing program.

How should marketers best approach voice and conversational AI to ensure an optimal return on their investments? Since voice can both activate consumer behavior and help build the brand image, what is the right media mix for a marketer? How does voice fit with a marketer’s other channels, particularly online and mobile? What is appropriate content for this new channel and how can a marketer best go about creating that content? What are the legal and ethical issues that marketers need to address? What makes for a good development partner to implement voice initiatives? And what metrics should marketers use to judge the success of their voice efforts?

Filled with real-world examples and behind-the-scenes stories, Voice Marketing is grounded in research-based theory and decades of experience. Case studies from the Allstate, Butterball, Coca-Cola, Domino's, Lucky Charms, Mercedes, Nike, Sony, Tide, and more combine with guest perspectives from the worlds of conversational AI, voice technology, academia, and marketing to deliver a ready-to-implement plan for success in the voice environment.


Word -of-mouth advertising
Social media-marketing
Artificial intelligence-Economic aspects
Customer relations

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