Sustainable marketing: a holistic approach

Peterson, Mark

Sustainable marketing: a holistic approach - 2nd - Los Angeles Sage 2021 - xxiii, 414 p.

In a cutting-edge text that explores the sustainability practices that benefit companies, stakeholders and consumers, Peterson draws upon current research and industry examples to dissect the interplay between marketing and wider society. He encourages us to critically asses the demand for business to adapt profitably to sustainability guidelines or environmental concerns.

This new book:
Includes a range of pedagogic features such as; Throwing shade boxes, chapter overview & objectives, Mavericks who made it cases and end-of-chapter questions.

Is designed to suit a 12 week teaching term, featuring sustainability in marketing from a ‘macro’ and issues-based perspective.

Covers sustainability in the global marketing from different issues and perspectives and grounds theory in a wide range of recognisable examples such as Toms, Facebook, Juul, Costco, Greta Thunberg.



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