Consumer behavior

Blackwell, Roger D.

Consumer behavior - New Delhi Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2018 - xliii, 750 p.

Table of Content

Part 1. Introduction to Consumer Behavior

1. Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research

2. Creating Marketing Strategies for Customer-Centric Organizations

Part 2. Consumer Decision Making

3. The Consumer Decision Process

4. Pre-Purchase Processes: Need Recognition, Search, and Evaluation

5. Purchase

6. Post-Purchase Processes: Consumption and Post-Consumption Evaluations

Part 3. Individual Determinants of Consumer Behavior

7. Demographics, Psychographics, and Personality

8. Consumer Motivation

9. Consumer Knowledge

10. Consumer Beliefs, Feelings, Attitudes, and Intentions

Part 4. Environmental Influences on Consumer Behavior

11. Culture, Ethnicity, and Social Class

12. Family and Household Influences

13. Group and Personal Influence

Part 5. Influencing Consumer Behavior

14. Making Contact

15. Shaping Consumers’ Opinions

16. Helping Consumers to Remember

This text is written with the reader in mind, and that its concepts and principles are explained in terms understandable to its readers. The topics have been selected to provide a foundation for analyzing consumer behavior and to be managerially and personally relevant in a wide variety of activities throughout the career. Many books provide an overview of consumer behavior topics but this book describes the topics in sufficient detail, which one can apply to one’s career and life alike. In most instances, the topics in the book are accompanied by real-world examples to help see the relevance of theory in developing the strategy and tactics that create effective marketing programs.


Marketing research
Consumer behavior

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