Gamification marketing for dummies
Chishti, Zarrar
Gamification marketing for dummies - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2021 - x, 282 p.
Nothing drives interest from customers more than giving them the chance to win. From old school sweepstakes and stamp collecting games to modern mobile loyalty programs or branded game apps, gamification helps connect you to your customers in a way they invite into their lives. This book helps you add the effective but challenging aspects of gamification to your marketing strategy. No matter what your digital proficiency, Intelligent Marketing with Gamification For Dummies will guide both veteran and inexperienced marketers through the maze of planning and executing a gamification strategy.
Internet marketing
658.872 / CHI
Gamification marketing for dummies - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2021 - x, 282 p.
Nothing drives interest from customers more than giving them the chance to win. From old school sweepstakes and stamp collecting games to modern mobile loyalty programs or branded game apps, gamification helps connect you to your customers in a way they invite into their lives. This book helps you add the effective but challenging aspects of gamification to your marketing strategy. No matter what your digital proficiency, Intelligent Marketing with Gamification For Dummies will guide both veteran and inexperienced marketers through the maze of planning and executing a gamification strategy.
Internet marketing
658.872 / CHI