Business communication: connecting in a digital world
Lesikar, Raymond V.
Business communication: connecting in a digital world - 13th - New Delhi McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2015 - xxxvii, 772 p.
Table of Content
PART 1: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Understanding Workplace Communication Chapter 2: Communicating Across Cultures PART 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS WRITING Chapter 3: Adapting Your Words to Your Readers Chapter 4: Constructing Clear Sentences and Paragraphs Chapter 5: Writing for a positive Effect PART 3: BASIC PATTERNS OF BUSINESS MESSAGES Chapter 6: Choosing the Best Process and Forms Chapter 7: Getting to the Point in Good-News and Neutral Messages Chapter 8: Maintaining Goodwill in Bad-News Messages Chapter 9: Making your case with Persuasive Message and Proposals Chapter 10: Conducting a Winning Job Campaign PART 4: FUNDAMENTALS OF REPORT WRITING Chapter 11: Preparing Informative and Influential Business Reports Chapter 12: Choosing the Right Type of Report Chapter 13: Conducting Research for Decision Makers Chapter 14: Using Visuals to make your Point PART 5: ORAL FORMS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Chapter 15: Communicating Effectively in Meetings and Conversations Chapter 16: Delivering Oral Reports and Business Speeches PART 6: ELEMENTS OF PROFESSIONALISM: TECHNOLOGICAL PROFICIENCY AND CORRECTNESS Chapter 17: Leveraging Technology for Better Writing Chapter 18: Conveying Professionalism through Correctness Appendix A: Corrections for the self-Administered Diagnostics Test of Correctness Appendix B: Physical Presentation of Letters, Memos, and Reports Appendix C: General Grading Symbols Appendix D: Grading Codes and Checklists: Message and Reports Appendix E: Documentation and the Bibliography
The book takes a unique problem-solving approach, the text successfully integrates current technologies and trends while maintaining an emphasis on the fundamentals – careful analysis of the communication problem, development of an audience-focused solution, and clear, correct use of language and visuals.
Business communication
Commercial correspondence
English language -- Business English
651.7 / LES
Business communication: connecting in a digital world - 13th - New Delhi McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2015 - xxxvii, 772 p.
Table of Content
PART 1: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: Understanding Workplace Communication Chapter 2: Communicating Across Cultures PART 2: FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS WRITING Chapter 3: Adapting Your Words to Your Readers Chapter 4: Constructing Clear Sentences and Paragraphs Chapter 5: Writing for a positive Effect PART 3: BASIC PATTERNS OF BUSINESS MESSAGES Chapter 6: Choosing the Best Process and Forms Chapter 7: Getting to the Point in Good-News and Neutral Messages Chapter 8: Maintaining Goodwill in Bad-News Messages Chapter 9: Making your case with Persuasive Message and Proposals Chapter 10: Conducting a Winning Job Campaign PART 4: FUNDAMENTALS OF REPORT WRITING Chapter 11: Preparing Informative and Influential Business Reports Chapter 12: Choosing the Right Type of Report Chapter 13: Conducting Research for Decision Makers Chapter 14: Using Visuals to make your Point PART 5: ORAL FORMS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Chapter 15: Communicating Effectively in Meetings and Conversations Chapter 16: Delivering Oral Reports and Business Speeches PART 6: ELEMENTS OF PROFESSIONALISM: TECHNOLOGICAL PROFICIENCY AND CORRECTNESS Chapter 17: Leveraging Technology for Better Writing Chapter 18: Conveying Professionalism through Correctness Appendix A: Corrections for the self-Administered Diagnostics Test of Correctness Appendix B: Physical Presentation of Letters, Memos, and Reports Appendix C: General Grading Symbols Appendix D: Grading Codes and Checklists: Message and Reports Appendix E: Documentation and the Bibliography
The book takes a unique problem-solving approach, the text successfully integrates current technologies and trends while maintaining an emphasis on the fundamentals – careful analysis of the communication problem, development of an audience-focused solution, and clear, correct use of language and visuals.
Business communication
Commercial correspondence
English language -- Business English
651.7 / LES