Pandeymonium: Piyush Pandey on advertising

Pandey, Piyush

Pandeymonium: Piyush Pandey on advertising - Haryana Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd. 2015 - xvi, 244 p.

Piyush Pandey on Advertising
Piyush Pandey
What makes Piyush Pandey an extraordinary advertising man, friend, partner and leader of men? How does he manage to exude childlike enthusiasm and bring such deep commitment to his work?
You’ve seen most of the things that Pandey has seen in his life. You’ve seen cobblers, carpenters, cricketers, trains, villages, towns and cities. What makes him different is the perspective with which he views the same things, his ability to store all that he sees into some recesses of his brain and then retrieve them at short notice when he needs to. That ability combined with his love, passion and understanding of advertising and of consumers make him the master storyteller that he is.
In Pandeymonium, Pandey talks about his influences, right from his childhood in Jaipur and being a Ranji cricketer to his philosophy, failures and lessons in advertising in particular and life in general. Lucid, inspiring and unputdownable, this memoir gives you an inside peek into the mind and creative genius of the man who defines advertising in India.


Advertising executives

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