Do you care to lead?: a 5 part formula for creating loyal and results-focused teams and organizations

Rogers, Michael

Do you care to lead?: a 5 part formula for creating loyal and results-focused teams and organizations
- New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020 - viii, 215 p.

Introduction 1

1 Serve 9

Selflessness 11

Service Unlocks Leadership 14

Service Changes Hearts, and Changed Hearts Change People, Teams, and Organizations 16

The Magic of Service (The Service Effect) 22

Service to Results 29

The Practice of Service 32

Acts of Service 41

Service Impacts 45

Serve First, Lead Second 47

2 Open (Up) 51

Safety First 53

Opening Up 55

You Go First 57

No One is Perfect 60

Norms to Perform 70

Support, Encourage, and Mine 74

3 Nurture 79

When Nurturing Takes a Wrong Turn 82

Cookie Cutter Management 83

Move Up, Over, or Off 85

Care More about Those You Lead than What You Fear 100

Roll Up Your Sleeves 103

You Can’t Nurture if You Don’t Make an Effort to Understand 118

4 Inspire 127

The Where, Why, and How 131

Up Your Expectations 148

Positive Leaders Inspire Positive Results 150

Recognition and Rewards 161

Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate 164

Thank You! 168

Walk the Talk 171

Talk the Walk 175

5 Commit 185

Commitment to Becoming a Care to Lead Leader 188

Growth is Not Optional 189

The Five-Minute University 190

What’s the Plan? 192

Conclusion 193

Acknowledgments 197

About the Author 199

Index 201

Think of a world where people go to work completely engaged, are inspired to do more than they ever thought possible, remain 100% loyal to the teams and organizations they belong to, are achieving mind-blowing results, and gladly and even passionately follow their leader’s direction. Is that a world you want to be a part of? The reality is you really can! However, it’s not the world most people and leaders currently live in.

When employees were asked in a Gallup poll whether their supervisor or anyone else at work cared about them, only 4 out of 10 strongly agreed with that statement. That is a startling number. We have a lot of work to do. Old leadership practices don’t work anymore.

In his work with hundreds of leaders and teams, Michael Rogers has created a practical approach to leadership that works. It is the Care to Lead Leader™. Care to Lead Leaders are different than most leaders. Most leaders talk of caring with their lips but are far from actually leading with their hearts.

Care to Lead Leaders lead from their heart. They understand that leading from the heart wins the hearts of those they lead, which makes leading more purposeful and a lot easier.

Through Michael’s five-part SONIC leadership formula, you will become a Care to Lead Leader. You will discover:

One simple Care to Lead Leader practice that can literally revolutionize the culture of your teams and/or organizations.
How to build real trust on your teams and/or organizations and explode creativity and the volume of ideas.
How to have more courage and second guess yourself less.
Practical tips on skyrocketing individual performance.
The secret to creating the most loyal followers on the planet!
How to take your teams and/or organizations to unprecedent levels of achievement and results.
In this book, Michael illustrates his ideas and concepts through introspective questions and inspiring stories that keep you engaged and have you regularly looking at your own leadership and asking; Am I the kind of leader people really want to follow?

After reading this book, you’ll have the tools to apply practical servant leadership approaches that create buy-in into bigger visions, improve loyalty and engagement and move your teams and organizations to unprecedented levels of action.


Organizational effectiveness

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