The story factor: secrets of influence from the art of storytelling

Simmons, Annette

The story factor: secrets of influence from the art of storytelling - New York Basic Books 2006 - xx, 299 p.

Table of Content

he six stories you need to know how to tell --
What is story? --
What story can do that facts can't --
How to tell a good story --
The psychology of story's influence --
Sound bite or epic? --
Influencing the unwilling, unconcerned, or unmotivated --
Storylistening as a tool of influence --
Storyteller dos and don'ts --
The life of a storyteller --
Story thinking as a skill --
Case study: testing the "six stories you need to tell" in real life --
sunrise stories --
Resources --
Storytelling in action.

The new material for this revised edition offers an expanded case study of storytelling in action that focuses on one of Simmons's success stories. Over one hundred stories drawn from the front lines of business and government, as well as myths, fables, and parables from around the world, illustrate how story can be used to persuade, motivate, and inspire in ways that cold facts, bullet points, and directives can't. These stories, combined with practical storytelling techniques show anyone how to become a more effective communicator. From "who I am" to "I-know-what-you're thinking," Simmons identifies the six stories you need to know how to tell and demonstrates how they can be applied. This revised edition offers a guide to using storytelling in specific business circumstances, including corporate reorganizations, layoffs, and diversity issues.


Business communication
Communication in management

808.543024658 / SIM

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