Conflict management: a practical guide to developing negotiation strategies

Corvette, Barbara A. Budjac

Conflict management: a practical guide to developing negotiation strategies - New Delhi Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. 2015 - 296 p.

Table of Content
1. Defining Negotiation and Its Components
2. Personality
3. Conflict
4. Negotiation Style
5. Key Negotiating Temperaments
6. Communicating in Negotiation
7. A Note on Cultural and Gender Differences
8. Interests and Goals in Negotiation
9. Understanding the Importance of Perception in Negotiation
10. Effects of Power in Negotiation
11. Asserting Yourself
12. Principles of Persuasion
13. Rules of Negotiation & Common Mistakes
14. The Negotiation Process and Preparation
15. Alternative Styles, Strategies, & Techniques of Negotiation
16. Team Negotiation
17. Negotiation in Leadership and Public Relations
18. Third-Party Intervention
19. Using Your Personal Negotiating Power
20. Post-Negotiation Evaluation

APPENDIX A: Personality and Behavior Assessment Resources
APPENDIX B: Cases for Negotiation

Becoming an effective negotiator is a universal skill that can benefit all. Unlike other books, Conflict Management explores how to develop this universal skill, using a very individual, personalized approach. Grounded in theory and research, it examines the psychological and sociological factors inherent in the negotiation process. It explores the complexities of negotiations, by looking at how conflict is related and how temperaments and personality traits impact the process. Filled with exercises, self-assessment tools, examples, and cases, the book links theory to practice and gives readers an opportunity to develop, practice, and perfect their own unique set of negotiation skills.


Conflict management
Negotiation in business
Strategic planning

658.4053 / COR

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