Nilakant, V.

Change management: altering mindsets in a global context - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2006 - 355 p.

Preface The Change Management Model Appreciating Change: Industry Analysis Appreciating Change: Mental and Business Models Mobilising Support Executing Change Building Change Capability Leadership and Change Index

Based on their extensive research and work with organisations, V Nilakant and S Ramnarayan present a new model for organisational change that identifies four core tasks crucial to the success of any change initiative: appreciating change, mobilising support for change, executing change and building change capability. The authors contend that those change initiatives that do not succeed are the direct outcome of a failure to effectively manage one or more of these tasks.

Simultaneously, as it warns managers against adoping simplistic recipes, Change Management also explains how organisational change is about changing the way in which people think and act. This book suggests four fundamental ways of altering the mindsets of managers: tuning to the external environment and people`s mindsets inside the organisation; influencing and persuading people and strengthening communication; constructing change initiatives on the basis of cross-functional collaboration and challenging goals; and creating positive contexts that enable people to have faith in thier own capabilities. This book argues that effective management of change is about balance—balance between short-term and long-term, profits and people , overview and detail, continuity and transformation and between the feasible and the desirable.


Organizational change

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