18 The Risk and Return of Interest Rate Securities
18.1 Expected Return and the Market Price Risk
18.2 Risk Analysis: Risk Natural Monte Carlo Simulations
18.3 A Macroeconomic Model of the Term Structure
18.4 Case Analysis: The Risk in the P&G Leveraged Swap
18.5 Summary
18.6 Exercises
18.7 Appendix: Proof of Pricing Formula in Macroeconomic Model
19 No Arbitrage Models and Standard Derivatives
19.1 No Arbitrage Models
19.2 The Ho-Lee Model Revisited
19.3 The Hull-White Model
19.4 Standard Derivatives under the “Normal” Model
19.5 The “Lognormal” Model
19.6 Generalized Affine Term Structure Models
19.7 Summary
19.8 Exercises
19.9 Appendix: Proofs
20 The Market Model for Standard Derivatives and Options’ Volatility Dynamics
20.1 The Black Formula for Caps and Floors Pricing
20.2 The Black Formula for Swaption Pricing
20.3 Summary
20.4 Exercises
21 Forward Risk Neutral Pricing and The Libor Market Model
21.1 One Difficulty with Risk Neutral Pricing
21.2 Change of Numeraire and the Forward Risk Neutral Dynamics
21.3 The Option Pricing Formula in “Normal” Models
21.4 The LIBOR Market Model
21.5 Forward Risk Neutral Pricing and the Black Formula for Swaptions
21.6 The Heath, Jarrow, and Morton Framework
21.7 Unnatural Lag and Convexity Adjustment
21.8 Summary
21.9 Exercises
21.10 Appendix: Derivations
22 Multifactor Models
22.1 Multifactor Ito’s Lemma with Independent Factors
22.2 No Arbitrage with Independent Factors
22.3 Correlated Factors
22.4 The Feynman-Kac Theorem
22.5 Forward Risk Neutral Pricing
22.6 The Multifactor LIBOR Market Model
22.7 Affine and Quadratic Term Structure Models
22.8 Summary
22.9 Exercises
22.10 Appendix
Index [https://www.wileyindia.com/fixed-income-securities-valuation-risk-and-risk-management-an-indian-adaptation.html]
Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management, 1st Edition provides a thorough discussion of the world of fixed income securities, the forces affecting their prices, their risks, and the
appropriate risk management practices. This book, however, provides a methodology, and not a "shopping list" of all the possible interest rate securities that have ever been invented. It instead provides examples and methodologies that can be applied quite universally once the basic concepts have been understood. (https://www.wileyindia.com/fixed-income-securities-valuation-risk-and-risk-management-an-indian-adaptation.html)