Craig Mallinckrodt

Building your career as a statistician: a practical guide to longevity, happiness, and accomplishment - Boca Raton CRC Press 2024 - xxxi, 333 p.

Table of content:
Part 1. Working with Self

1. Introduction
Craig Mallinckrodt

2. Productivity, Prioritization and Work-Life Balance
Craig Mallinckrodt

3. Creativity and Innovation
Craig Mallinckrodt

4. Communication
Craig Mallinckrodt

5. Critical Thinking and Decisions Under Uncertainty – Individual Factors
Craig Mallinckrodt

Part 2. Working with Others

6. Critical Thinking and Decision Making - Groups and Organizational Factors
Craig Mallinckrodt

7. Influence and Leadership
Craig Mallinckrodt

8. Effective Work Relationships
Craig Mallinckrodt

Part 3. Planning and Growing

9. Career Planning and Continued Learning
Craig Mallinckrodt

10. Craig's List
Craig Mallinckrodt

11. Road Map
Craig Mallinckrodt

Part 4. Other Perspectives

12. Perspectives on Career: Christy Chuang-Stein
Christy Chuang-Stein

13. Perspectives on Career: Marc Buyse
Marc Buyse

14. Perspectives on Career: Geert Molenberghs
Geert Molenberghs

15. A Final Word
Craig Mallinckrodt

This book is intended for anyone who is considering a career in statistics or a related field, or those at any point in their career with sufficient work time remaining such that investing in additional learning could be beneficial. As such, the book would be suitable for anyone pursing an MS or PhD in statistics or those already working in statistics. The book focuses on the non-statistical aspects of being a statistician that are crucial for success. These factors include 1) productivity and prioritization, 2) innovation and creativity, 3) communication, 4) critical thinking and decisions under uncertainty, 5) influence and leadership, 6) working relationships, and 7) career planning and continued learning. Each of these chapters includes sections on foundational principles and a section on putting those principles into practice. Connections between these individual skills are emphasized such that the reader can appreciate how the skills build upon each other leading to a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. By including the individual perspectives from other experts on the fundamental principles and their application, readers will have a well-rounded view on how to build upon and fully leverage their technical skills in statistics. The primary audience for the book is large and diverse. It will be useful for self-study by virtually any statistician, but could also be used as a text in a graduate program that includes a course on careers and career development.

Key Features:

Takes principles proven to be useful in other settings and applies them to statisticians and statistical settings.



Accessible to all levels, from grad students to mid-later career statisticians.



Statistics vocational guidance

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