Gay, Richard

Online marketing: a customer led approach - New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007 - xv, 538 p.

Table of content:
1Principles and Drivers of the New Marketing Environment
2Strategy and Models for the Virtual World
3Online Marketing Planning Issues
4Online Marketing Research - Principles and Practice
5Online Buyer Behaviour
6Positioning for Traffic and Profit. Search Engine Optimisation
7Permission and Personalisation Online
8Website Development - Design and Content
9The Online Product
10Pricing Issues on the Web
11Online Communication Tools
12Online Distributuion and Procurement
13Online Marketing Legal Issues

Online Marketing: A Customer Led Approach provides an excellent and stimulating balance between theory and practice by recognising the advantages and drawbacks of doing business online. The text is deeply embedded in traditional marketing concepts and examines their evolution as we understand more from online customer experiences. The authors believe that, despite the availability of new online tools, the customer should remain the central focus in all transactions and experiences.
Supported by contemporary mini-cases, case studies and expert opinion from leading practitioners, the text comprehensively covers:
the changing online environment
online planning and evolving business models
application of ICT to achieve marketing objectives
changing online elements of the marketing mix
legal aspects impacting on online marketers

Online Marketing: A Customer-Led Approach thus provides a comprehensive account of the most up-to-date issues facing the developing world of internet marketing.


Internet marketing

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