Tope, Parag

Tatya tope's operation red lotus: the topé family presents the story of tatya and the Anglo-Indian war of 1857 - New Delhi Rupa. Co 2010 - xxxii, 431 p.

Tatya Tope’s Operation Red Lotus is a quest to understand the real history of the Anglo-Indian War of 1857. A quest by the contemporary members of the Tope family, which led to the discovery of the dramatic battle manoeuvres of their ancestor, the legendary Tatya Tope, as well as the true import of the war.

Based in USA, Parag is the founder and part owner of Vistarus ( A relentless passion for history, combined with a master’s degree in engineering and an MBA in strategy, makes Parag the chief architect of the book. Parag applied his analytical skills to bring a refreshing perspective to the reconstruction of historical events.



Tope Tatya-1859
India History-Sepoy Rebellion-1857-1858

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