Parmar, HB

Mnemonics in hospital management - New Delhi Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 2017 - xviii, 186 p.

This unique book contains information on various topics of health and hospital management in a special style. It is not an easy task to present all the topics into mnemonic form, still there is potent scope in this direction. For easy reference, an exhaustive list of contents is presented in beginning of the book. A book of this nature calls for gleaning upon the subject matter from reliable sources, and presenting it in an easily memorizing method. The treatment of the topic is lucid and its coverage is comprehensive. The book contains more than 200 topics in mnemonic form, many meanings of management, and last but not least keywords explanation. The book is equally useful to students, doctors, professionals and all, who are concerned with health and hospital management.



Hospital management
Administrators appeal
Health legislation
Hospital administration

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