Hanif, Mohamed

Modern accountancy - 3rd - New Delhi McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2019 - Various Pages

Table of Content
. Introduction to Accounting

2. Double Entry System

3. Accounting Cycle

4. Accounting Concepts and Conventions

5. The Trial Balance

6. The Cash Book

7. Bank Reconciliation Statement

8. Bases of Accounting

9. Inventories

10. Concept and Accounting of Depreciation

11. Reserves and Provisions

12. Capital and Revenue

13. Revenue Recognition

14. Bills of Exchange

15. Average Due Date and Account Current

16. Consignment Accounts

17. Joint Venture Accounts

18. Final Accounts of Trading Concern

19. Rectification of Errors

20. Manufacturing Account and Cost Statement

21. Non-profit Organisation

22. Incomplete Records

23. Accounting for Sale on Approval

24. Insurance Claims

25. Self-Balancing Ledger

26. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account

27. Change in the Profit-sharing Ratio

28. Admission of a Partner

29. Retirement of a Partner

30. Death of a Partner

31. Accounting for Dissolution of the Firm

32. Amalgamation of Firms

33. Conversion of Partnership into a Limited Company

34. Accounts of Professional Firms

35. Accounting for Cooperative Societies

36. Accounting of Local Governments: Municipalities,Panchayats

37. Company: Introduction and Issue of Shares

38. Accounting for Bonus and Rights Issue

39. Redemption of Preference Shares

40. Issue and Redemption of Debentures

41. Introduction to Accounting Standard

The thirdedition of Modern Accountancy, Volume - I has been revised and re-designed asper the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and its related rules and SEBIguidelines. The book continues to offer in-depth and balanced approach topresentation of the concepts, procedures and practices of accounting withdefined inclusion of the most recently revised accounting standards as notifiedby the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and other statutory developments. It isprimarily developed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of commercebut, will also be very useful for those appearing for professional examinationsof ICAI, ICMAI, ICSI and ICFAI.

Updated asper requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and related rules and SEBIguidelines

Specialfocus on the latest Accounting Standards -thoroughly incorporated in relevantchapters

Curated tomeet the requirements of PAN India undergraduate syllabus for FinancialAccounting,

CorporateAccounting, Advanced Accounting, etc.

SpecialFocus on the following chapters

Company:Introduction and Issue of Shares

Accountingfor Bonus and Rights Issue

Redemptionof Preference Shares

Issue andRedemption of Debentures

Enrichedpedagogy with chapter-end summary and multiple-choice questions at the end ofeach


Availabilityof ‘Unsolved Problems’ with ‘Guide to Answers’

Additionalcoverage on Accounting Standards and a new chapter on Goods and Service Tax onthe

OnlineLearning Center



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