Learning at speed: how to upskill and reskill your workforce at pace to drive business performance
- London Kogan Page Ltd. 2022
- xii, 217 p.
Table of contents Chapter - 00: Introduction - Fastest learner wins; Section - ONE: On your mark; Chapter - 01: Where L&D is going wrong and how Lean can fix it;Chapter - 02: How to think Lean Learning before you do it; Section - TWO: Get set; Chapter - 03: Find the right business problem to solve;Chapter - 04: Create an L&D strategy with the Learning Canvas;Chapter - 05: Build a dynamic learning ecosystem;Chapter - 06: Personalize learning at scale;Chapter - 07: Shape performance in the moments that matter;Chapter - 08: Measure the proof of impact; Section - THREE: Go; Chapter - 09: Start testing with your Minimum Valuable Learning;Chapter - 10: Achieve Learning-Challenge Fit or iterate trying;Chapter - 11: Deliver continuous learning with sprints;Chapter - 12: Scale your learning impact with marketing;Chapter - 13: Conclusion - Always winning
Learning at Speed is a practical book which brings together the best from lean and agile methodologies to show how they can be applied to learning and development (L&D) to improve individual and organizational performance. This provides a people development framework which can be used to deconstruct a learning strategy and optimise each element for improved results. It shows how to identify learning barriers and possible solutions, leverage company data to understand learning needs and how to assess the most effective learning resources and delivery channels.
Crucially, Learning at Speed shows how to track metrics that matter, get the most from your budget and how to build a business case to get stakeholder buy-in. Understanding how to continuously upskill and reskill a workforce at speed will ensure that organizations can stay ahead of the competition. Supported by templates, worksheets, case studies, examples and practical advice, this book is the practical guide that shows learning and development (L&D) professionals how to achieve this.