Palcroft, Lauren B.

Personality assessment: new research - New York Nova Science Publication Inc. 2009 - xvii, 421 p.

Preface; Child and Adolescent Personality Development and Assessment: A Developmental Psychopathology Approach; Integrating evidence-based treatment into an attachment guided curriculum in a therapeutic preschool: Initial Findings; Assessing Individuals for Team "Worthiness": Investigating the Intersection of the Big Five Personality Factors, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Teamwork Aptitude; Weight? Wait! Importance Weighting of Satisfaction Scores in Quality of Life Assessment; A Psycho-social Approach to Meanings and Functions of Trait Labels; Properties of JEPQRA and JEPQRS/A: Comparing the Psychometric Properties of the Common Items in the Short and Abbreviated Versions of the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaires: A Mean and Covariance Structures Analysis Approach; Successful Psychopathy: Unresolved Issues and Future Directions; Score Reliability in Personality Research; Restyling Personality Assessments; Use and Interpretation of Likert-type Scales: Theory and Practice in The Use and Interpretation of Likert-type Scales within a cross-cultural Context; Construct and Response Bias Correlates in Summated Scale Definitions of Personality Traits; Procrastination and The Five-Factor Model: Academic and Everyday Procrastination and their Relation to The Five-Factor Model; Social Dominance Orientation, Ambivalent Sexism, and Abortion: Explaining Pro-choice and Pro-life Attitudes; Factor Structure, Sex Effects and Differential Item Functioning of the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised; Online Collaborative Learning: The Challenge of Change; The Influence of Personality and Symptoms Severity on Functioning in Patients with Schizophrenia; Tell Me How it Sounds and I Tell You How You Feel: The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test; Structured MMPI-2 Client Feedback in the Identification of Potential Supplemental Targets of Change; Beyond the Traits of The Five Factor Model: Using Deviant Personality Traits to Predict Deviant Behavior in Organizations; On The Test-Retest Reliability of The Autobiographical Memory Test; Index.


Personality assessment
Personality tests

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