Managing sustainability
- London Routledge 2021
- ix, 182 p.
Table of Contents Governance, Leadership and Management Sustainability in the Boardroom Organizational Design for Sustainability Strategic Planning for Sustainability The CEO and Sustainability Sustainability Executives Sustainable Leadership Management Systems Ethical Management Internal Sustainability-Related Codes and Policies Organizational Culture and Sustainability Sustainable Human Resources Management Sustainable Technology Management Reporting and Communications 15.Evaluating and Improving Sustainability Management
Managing Sustainability is a comprehensive guide to governing, leading, and managing a successful sustainability-focused business.
Being a socially and environmentally responsible business is a worthy goal for many people; however, turning the goal into reality is a daunting process. This book takes a clear and practical approach to the “nuts-and-bolt” of achieving this goal, and covers steps to be taken by directors and executives to create and implement appropriate strategies, policies, and management systems. It recognizes that corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) is like any other important management initiative and requires proactive leadership from the top of the organization. Key topics include:
• Understanding how CSR is changing the traditional fiduciary duties of directors and officers
• Developing and implementing internal governance instruments to provide a foundation for decision-making around CSR
• Integrating CSR into the duties and responsibilities of the chief executive officer and other members of the C-suite team, as well as into their compensation arrangements
• Conducting continuous audits and assessments of the sustainability governance and management framework using certification and rating systems to evaluate and improve CSR performance and effectiveness
Current and aspiring leaders wishing to build a sustainability-centered business will appreciate the straightforward and actionable guidance offered by this book.
Social responsibility of business Strategic planning--Environmental aspects Industrial management--Environmental aspects