Resetting management: thrive with agility in the age of uncertainty
- London Kogan Page 2021
- xx, 260 p.
Table of content
Section - ONE: A Call to Action (Why); Chapter - 01: Why Agility?;Chapter - 02: The What of Business Agility - Reshaping How Organizations Make Choices; Section - TWO: A New Agility Landscape (What); Chapter - 03: Strategic Agility;Chapter - 04: Ramping Up Organizational Agility Without a Profound Overhaul of the Hierarchy;Chapter - 05: Intermediate Stage of Organizational Agility - Pockets of Agility, Powered by Agile Methods;Chapter - 06: Organizational Agility: The Pioneers of New Organizational Forms;Chapter - 07: Leadership Agility; Section - THREE: How to Transform for Agility Successfully; Chapter - 08: Managing the Trade-offs of Strategic Agility;Chapter - 09: Navigating the Challenges of Implementing Agile Methods;Chapter - 10: Managing the Trade-offs of Radically New Organizational Forms;Chapter - 11: Final words;
Resetting Management helps leaders understand why business agility matters. Agility releases a new level of energy, innovation and entrepreneurship, enabling organizations to respond to disruption while still delivering business strategies with rigour and efficiency. Using diagnostic tools and practical models, the book describes how to master the essential components and principles of agility and respond to uncertain and fast-changing environments.