Gupta, Seema

How people buy online: the psychology behind consumer behaviour - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2021 - xiv, 258 p.

Table of Contents:

1: Psychology of a Digital Consumer
2: Putting Science Back in Marketing
3: How to Make Someone Say Yes
4: Perceived Risk
5: The Art of Fascination in Marketing
6: Memory and Marketing
7: Perception: How Customers See You
8: Emotions in Marketing
9: Why Do You Buy?
10: Price Is About Perception!
11: Social Media Marketing
12: Designing the Perfect Website
13: Power of Persuasive Writing
14: The Power of Imagery

This book shows how people buy online proves it is possible. Not only does it break the myths about online shopping behaviour, but it also reveals some deep marketing insights for consumer engagement by delving into consumer psychology and behavioural economics. This unique intersection of marketing with psychology makes this book an absorbing read, especially for management professionals.


Internet marketing
Marketing--Psychological aspects
Consumer behavior

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