Cohn, Alisa

From start-up to grown-up: grow your leadership to grow your business - London Kogan Page Ltd. 2022 - xiv, 263 p.

Table of contents
Chapter - 00: Introduction;
Section - ONE: Managing You;
Chapter - 01: Your Start-Up Self;Chapter - 02: Be the Boss of You;
Section - TWO: Managing Them;
Chapter - 03: Why Should Anyone Follow You?;Chapter - 04: Cultural Conceptions (and Misconceptions);Chapter - 05: Hiring and Firing;
Section - THREE: Managing the Company;
Chapter - 06: Growing and Growing Up;Chapter - 07: Smooth Operations;Chapter - 08: Managing the Board;Chapter - 09: Cofounder Care and Feeding;Chapter - 10: Your New Workplace;Chapter - 11: Conclusion

About the book
WINNER: Independent Press Award 2022 - Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business

Every start-up founder feels overwhelmed and uncertain at various times. The key to managing the relentless turmoil of a start-up is learning to manage yourself.

From Start-Up to Grown-Up gives you, the founder and CEO of a great start-up, the knowledge and experience that executive coach Alisa Cohn has gained from helping companies such as Etsy, Foursquare, InVision and The Wirecutter become headline names. Growth of your company begins with growth within you. The book provides you with effective and practical ways of maximizing your strengths, defusing your triggers, controlling your self-doubt and building on your motivators. With these self-management tools, you can then turn your attention to managing your team by ensuring the flow of communication and finding the joy of delegation and the soul in meetings. Finally, you gain practical tools for managing the company and ensuring overall effectiveness of your team and strategy, using specific scripts you need to have delicate or difficult conversations.

Filled with stories drawn from the author's experience, From Start-Up to Grown-Up helps you build a company with a set of core values that everybody lives by and where everyone shares a vision of where the company is going and how to get there.


New business enterprises
New business enterprises--Management

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