Should Companies Have Supply Managers and/or Master Planners? 598
17 Demand Management and Aggregate Master Planning 603
What Is Demand Management? 603
The Impact of New Product in Demand Management 608
Master Launch Plan and Pipeline Funnel Examples for New Products 609
Problems with the Demand Forecast 614
The Impact of Demand Bias on Supply Chain Management 615
Coping with Forecast Inaccuracies 617
Reviewing and Approving the Aggregate Demand Plan 619
It’s About Quantities 621
It’s About Time 623
Demand and Forecast Adjustment 631
Customer Order Processing with Process Flow Diagram Example 637
Possible Problems Caused by Abnormal Demand 640
Customer Linking 642
Getting Sales Pipeline Control 645
Distribution Resource/Requirements Planning 646
Available-to-Promise 655
ATP with Two Demand Streams 659
Should Companies Have Demand Managers? 663
18 The Proven Path to a Successful MPS Implementation (Phase 1) 669
From the Original Implementation Plan to the Current Proven Path 669
The Proven Path to Successful Operational Excellence 671
The Decision Point 673
Going on the Air 675
The Former Proven Path to Master Planning and Scheduling in a Class A Operational Excellence Environment 676
The Journey to Excellence—Today and Tomorrow 679
Oliver Wight’s Class A Integrated Planning and Control Milestone 681
The Proven Path (3rd Version) to Successful Supply Chain Management and Master Planning and Scheduling Implementation 683
Phase 1: Lead Phase (Understanding and Committing) 685
Company Vision of Operations (A Modified Client Example) 687
Case for Change (A Modified Excerpt from a Client Example) 696
Segue to . . . 702
The Proven Path to a Successful MPS Implementation (Phase 2) Influencers Transform MPS Process Design and Structure 702
19 The Proven Path to a Successful MPS Implementation (Phase 2) 705
Methodology for Implementing Change Revisited 705
Phase 2: Transform Phase (Process Designing and Structuring) 707
Policy, Flow Diagrams, Procedures, Work Instructions, and Metrics Defined 731
Segue to . . . 741
The Proven Path to a Successful MPS Implementation (Phase 3) Users Own MPS Launch and Measures 741
20 The Proven Path to a Successful MPS Implementation (Phase 3) 743
Methodology for Implementing Change Revisited—Again! 743
Phase 3: Own Phase (Launching and Measuring) 745
Deterrents to Successful Implementation of the Master Planning and Scheduling Process and Supporting System Technology 762
The Master Planner’s and Master Scheduler’s List of Responsibilities 764
Putting It All Together to Ensure Success—Guaranteed 768
An Aggressive Master Plan and Schedule for the MPS Implementation 771
The Variables of a Master Planning and Scheduling Implementation 774
Order from Chaos 779
Final Thoughts – People and Process and Profession 783
Appendix A Master Planning and Scheduling Process and Performance Standards 809
Appendix B Master Planning and Scheduling Improvement Initiative Task Listing 817
Appendix C Master Planning and Scheduling Policy, Procedure, and Flow Diagram 827
Appendix D Master Planning and Scheduling 831
Appendix E Supply Chain Management Overall Process Flow Diagram (An Example) 843
Appendix F Master Planning and Scheduling Process Flow Diagram Examples 845
Appendix G Master Planning and Scheduling RACI Examples 851
Appendix H Master Planning and Scheduling Spinoff Task Team Charter 855
Appendix I Master Planning and Scheduling Oliver Wight International Offerings Founders’ and Co-Authors’ Biographies 859
Glossary 865
Index 895
The newly revised Fourth Edition of Master Planning and Scheduling: An Essential Guide to Competitive Manufacturing delivers a masterful exploration of today's master planning and scheduling techniques, as well as an insightful discussion of the future of the master planning and scheduling processes and profession.
Written in the context of an ever-evolving digital environment and augmented with new and critical information required to implement best practices, the book is a guide for practitioners and leaders on the principles of master planning and scheduling and its application in modern and future work environments.
In this book, readers will learn:
Insights regarding top-down, bottom-up, and side-to-side integration of business practices in support of a company's strategic direction and tactical deployment The critical link between time-phased integrated business planning, master planning, master scheduling, capacity planning, and material planning "How-to" details and examples to support master planning and scheduling implementation and enhancements within the company's demand and supply organizations Master Planning and Scheduling is an indispensable guide for supply chain professionals, planners and schedulers in all functional domains of a business. It also belongs on the bookshelves of any executive or manager who seeks to improve their understanding of best practice planning and scheduling processes and how those processes enable a business to outperform the competition through alignment, integration and synchronization across all functions in an organization.
Manufacturing resource planning Production scheduling