Basu, Ron

Green six sigma: a lean approach to sustainable climate change initiatives - New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2022 - xvi, 384 p.



About the Author

Chapter 1: Climate Change Challenges

Chapter 2: International and National Climate Change Initiatives

Chapter 3: Evolution of Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma and Green Six Sigma

Chapter 4: More of Green Six Sigma

Chapter 5: Green Six Sigma Tools and Techniques

Chapter 6: The Digital Revolution and Climate Change

Chapter 7: Green Six Sigma and Clean Energy

Chapter 8: Green Six Sigma and Green Supply Chain

Chapter 9: Green Six Sigma and Green Transport

Chapter 10: Green Six Sigma and Retrofitting Buildings

Chapter 11: Green Six Sigma and Climate Adaptation

Chapter 12: Implementation: Making it Happen

Appendix 1 Questions and Exercises

Appendix 2 Introduction to Statistics

Appendix 3 Yield Conversion Table




In this much needed book, Dr Ron Basu delivers an insightful exploration as well as sage advice on how to apply the principles of Lean Six Sigma to today’s climate crisis. Green Six Sigma: A Lean Approach to Sustainable Climate Change Initiatives is an adaption of Lean Six Sigma for climate change initiatives. How can we use Green Six Sigma urgently and effectively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the harmful effects of global warming?

This practical and workable book covers topics that are highly relevant to the times we live in:

Climate change challenges and initiatives to mitigate them
Examination of the Green Six Sigma approach, its tools and techniques as well as modifications to incorporate both the digital revolution and sustainability
Applications of the Green Six Sigma approach to a variety of areas relevant to climate change and in all economic sectors including energy, transport, manufacturing, services and agriculture
Green Six Sigma in retrofitting houses and climate adaptation
Guides to the implementation of sustainable climate change initiatives

This book is an eye-opening resource, perfect for anyone responsible for sustainability or climate change initiatives at their organisations, NGOs or regulatory agencies. It is also a must-read for academics, managers, participants and practitioners of Six Sigma and Operational Excellence.


Six sigma (Quality control standard)

658.4013 / BAS