Rogers, Jodie

The hidden edge: why mental fitness is the only advantage that matters in business - New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2021 - xxiv, 247 p.

Preface ix

Acknowledgements xv

Introduction xvii

Part One Leadership and the Hidden Edge 1

1 Under the Skin of Leaders and Their Teams 3

2 The Business Case for Investing in Mental Fitness 17

3 The Future of Fit Businesses 33

Part Two The Power of Meaning and Emotions 41

4 Perception: Do You See What I See? 43

5 The Stories We Tell Ourselves 61

6 Everything Is Connected 71

7 Emotion and Decision Making 81

Part Three Owning Our Thinking 95

8 Navigating Thinking Traps 97

9 Fear Response and Neuroplasticity 109

Part Four Limiting and Empowering Beliefs 115

10 The ‘Rules’ We Should Be Breaking 117

11 How to Reframe Limiting Beliefs 139

Part Five Values: Principles We Live By 145

12 Values and Decision Making 147

13 Uncovering Your Values 163

14 Using Values to Navigate Conflict 173

Part Six Stress and Performance 181

15 Stress and Control 183

16 Overcoming the Amygdala Hijack 189

17 Flow Versus Frazzle 199

Mental Fitness in Practice 219

Conclusion 231

Index 237

idden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business

Join eminent leadership and team development expert, Jodie Rogers on an inspiring and insightful journey into managing the most important asset of all – the human mind.

Packed full of engaging stories and fascinating real-world case studies,  The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business, applies key psychological concepts to the modern business world. If we want businesses that are agile and adaptable to change, we first need people who are. Jodie will teach you how to leverage perspective, mindset, values and emotions to master your mental fitness and thus improve business performance. A business case is even laid out within the book showing exactly how enhanced mental fitness can positively impact the bottom line of your business. 

This book not only has the power to improve your own life, but shares resources you can use with your teams to develop an engaged, resilient and more productive workforce.

 The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business employs simple yet powerful exercises, tools and techniques you can implement each day to:

Regulate your thoughts, emotions and feelings to stay calm and in control during stressful situations.
Understand how values and beliefs influence decision making (both at the individual & team level) and how to leverage them for performance
Cultivate the resilience required to navigate setbacks and change
Develop the mental agility necessary for an ever-changing workplace
If you are a forward-thinking business leader, HR professional, or anyone looking to accelerate growth, enable change and improve adaptability in your organisation,  The Hidden Edge: Why Mental Fitness is the Only Advantage That Matters in Business is the perfect guide. 


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