Programming and problem solving with python
- 2nd
- Chennai McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2022
- xxvi, 479 p.
Chap 1: Introduction to Computer and Python Programming Chap 2: Basics of Python Programming Chap 3: Operators and Expressions Chap 4: Decision Statements Chap 5: Loop Control Statements Chap 6: Functions Chap 7: Strings Chap 8: Lists Chap 9: List Processing: Searching and Sorting Chap 10: Object-Oriented Programming: Class, Objects and Inheritance Chap 11: Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries Chap 12: Graphics Programming: Drawing with turtle Graphics Chap 13: File Handling Chap 14: Exception Handling Chap 15: GUI Python Programming using Tkinter Chap 16: Introduction to MySQL Database
Appendix I: Importing Modules in Python Appendix II: Project for Creating a Phone Book Directory Appendix III: Major Project on Book Inventory Management Appendix IV: Python Keywords Appendix V: ASCII Table Index
OVERVIEW The second edition of Programming and Problem Solving with Python is a hands-on-guide for engineering students from all streams, self-learners, and professionals to use Python language to perform complex calculations and write applications. The text is replete with programs and illustratively solved examples to explain all fundamental and theoretical concepts. The text develops problem-solving and code writing skills. This new edition is enhanced with new chapters, chapter-end and book-end projects and pedagogical elements while retaining the book’s original characteristics of lucid writing and illustrative explanation. All programs are thoroughly updated and checked for their compatibility with the latest versions of Python v3.8.