Chapter 4. Implementation of the PE2I: Test with French SMEs 87
4.1. Experimental panel and methodology 87
4.1.1. Presentation of the panel 88
4.1.2. The conduct of the interviews 89
4.2. Presentation of results and observations 91
4.2.1. Case 1: company 1 91
4.2.2. Case 2: company 2 96
4.2.3. Case 3: company 3 99
4.2.4. Case 4: company 4 103
4.2.5. Case 5: company 5 106
4.2.6. Case 6: company 6 110
4.3. Assessment 113
Chapter 5. Feedback on the PE2I Tool 115
5.1. The advantages and limitations of the PE2I tool 115
5.1.1. A customizable pedagogical representation tool 115
5.1.2. Operational difficulties 117
5.2. Prospects for improvement 120
5.2.1. Operationalizing the evaluation: reconciling the constraints of the field 121
5.2.2. Contextualization of the recommendation system: taking into account differentiating factors 123
5.2.3. Proposing evidence-based recommendations: an operational action plan to promote synergies 126
Conclusion 129
References 141
Index 157
DESCRIPTION The concepts of innovation and export are traditionally considered in isolation, both within companies and within the support organizations dedicated to them. As a result, within this broad research field, very little academic work has focused on how to implement their relationship at an operational level. This book proposes a joint diagnostic tool for SMEs, highlighting good practices to be mastered in order to simultaneously improve innovation and export performance, in the form of a virtuous circle. Innovation and Export focuses on the integration of innovation and export into the strategic management of SMEs, for which the use of synergies is a powerful lever to overcome any difficulties in mobilizing significant resources.
Small business Small business--Technological innovations Exports