Quick, James Campbell

Organizational behaviour: a South Asian perspective - 7th - New Delhi Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2019 - xxxv, 787 p.

Table of content

1. Organizational Behavior and Opportunity

2. Challenges for Managers

3. Personality, Perception, and Attribution

4. Attitudes, Emotions, and Ethics

5. Motivation at Work

6. Learning and Performance Management

7. Stress and Well-Being at Work

8. Communication

9. Work Teams and Groups

10. Decision Making by Individuals and Groups

11. Power and Political Behavior

12. Leadership and Followership

13. Conflict and Negotiation

14. Jobs and the Design of Work

15. Organizational Design and Structure

16. Organizational Culture

17. Managing Change






Organizational behavior is the study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizational settings. It focuses on timeless topics like motivation, leadership, teamwork, and communication. Organizational behavior also encompasses contemporary issues in organizations. How do we encourage employees to act ethically, to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors, to go above and beyond the call of duty to exhibit exceptional performance? How do we restructure organizations in the face of increasing competition? What is the new psychological contract between employees and organizations? How have careers changed, and what can we expect in the future? How do you manage employee behavior in virtual organizations or teams? What happens when organizations with strong cultures and a need for constancy face the pressure to become current, competitive, and agile? Organizational Behavior: A South-Asian Perspective, 7th edition, engages both classic and emerging issues with a special focus on the South Asian environment, especially the Indian perspective. Using the knowledge and insights offered in the study of organizational behavior, we can take responsible actions to create the kinds of organizations in which we thrive, grow strong, and experience fulfilment in the spirit of the happy/productive worker.


Organizational behavior

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