Business market management (B2B): understanding, creating and delivering value
- 3rd
- New Delhi Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. 2022
- xxii, 470 p.
SECTION I: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Business Market Management: Guiding Principles
SECTION II: UNDERSTANDING VALUE Market Sensing: Generating And Using Knowledge About The Market Understanding Firms As Customers Crafting Market Strategy
SECTION III: CREATING VALUE Managing Market Offerings New Offering Realization Business Channel Management
SECTION IV: DELIVERING VALUE Gaining New Business Sustaining Reseller Partnerships Managing Customers
Anderson builds the book around a framework of understanding, creating, and delivering value.
The third edition of this text retains the framework for understanding, delivering, and creating value that was established in the first edition, giving the readers a framework for understanding the topic.
Viewed from an international perspective—rather than a purely American one—Business Market Management draws upon best business practices, allowing readers to understand cultural and regional differences. Topics include: market sensing, understanding firms as customers, crafting market strategy, managing market offerings, business channel management, gaining customers, and sustaining reseller and customer relationships.