Managerial economics
- 4th
- New Delhi Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. 2016
- xv, 622 p.
Table of Content PART I: GETTING STARTED Introduction to Managerial Economics Basic Training PART II: DEMAND Demand Theory and Analysis Regression Techniques and Demand Estimation Business and Economic Forecasting PART III: PRODUCTION AND COSTS Production Theory and Analysis Cost Theory and Analysis Linear Programming PART IV: MARKET STRUCTURE Perfect Competition and Monopoly Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Barriers to Entry Game Theory and Strategic Behavior PART V: PRICING DECISIONS Pricing of Goods and Services Pricing and Employment of Inputs PART VI: RISK AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Risk and Decision Making Capital Budgeting PART VII: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE, LOCATION THEORY AND TAXATION Technological Change in a Global Economy Locating the Firm in a Global Economy Taxes and Decision Making
Managerial Economics offers a lively presentation of analytical and empirical tools for managerial decision-making. This edition increases the emphasis on managerial applications with more problems, case studies, and questions.
With this book, students will not only receive a complete and rigorous introduction to the basic principles of microeconomics, but also learn how the application of economic theory can improve decision making.