Principles of environmental economics and sustainability: an integrated economic and ecological approach
- 4th
- New York Routledge 2019
- xxiv, 415 p.
Table of Contents Introduction: what is environmental economics all about? PART I Environmental economics: foundational concepts, theories, and perspectives 1. The natural environment and the human economy: the neoclassical economic perspective 2. The natural environment and the human economy: an ecological perspective 3. Trade-offs: economic activity versus environmental quality PART II The environment: pollution control, policy instruments, valuation, and project evaluation 4. The economic theory of pollution control: the optimal level of pollution 5. The economics of environmental regulations: emission standards and effluent charges 6. The economics of environmental regulations: transferable emission credits and the macroeconomic effects of environmental regulation 7. Economic valuation of environmental goods and services 8. Frameworks for the economic appraisal of environmental projects: cost–benefit analysis and others. PART III Climate change: the new environmental reality 9. The economics of climate change PART IV The perennial debates on the biophysical limits to economic growth and the emerging paradigm of sustainable development 10. Biophysical limits to economic growth: Malthusian perspectives 11. Biophysical limits to economic growth: the neoclassical economic perspective 12. The economics of sustainability 13. Green accounting and alternative indicators of sustainability 14. The business case for environmental sustainability
Book Description Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability was the first textbook to make a serious attempt to systematically integrate ecological and economic principles. It successfully introduced ecological perspectives to the study of environmental economics while maintaining the integrity of the standard economic approach.
In this new edition this notion continues to be embraced while also offering readers several further features, including greater in-depth coverage of the economics of climate change, expanded reference sections, and an updated and expanded "review and discussion questions" section. The unique integration of both mainstream and ecological approaches which this textbook provides proves particularly illuminating in relation to the following topics:
economics of climate change environmental valuation cost–benefit analysis and the environment sustainability in theory and practice limits to growth the role of technology the business case for environmental sustainability. Written in a clear and accessible way, this key textbook is an excellent resource for all students of environmental economics. With study tools including learning objectives, case studies, and charts and graphs, this volume uses real-world examples to engage both students and academics within the field.
This text also accompanied by a Companion Website including resources for both students and instructors. Here you will find student study questions, interactive quizzes, and an instructor manual composed of lecture PowerPoint templates.