Subramanian, Jagadeesan

Optimistic living: an unconventional approach to positive thinking to achieve true success and happiness - Chennai Notion press 2021 - 101 p.

This book contains simplified methods to enhance the potential of people at all levels. It is in a story format and suitable for persons above 15 years of age. This book gives vision, clarity, and makes one understand both personal and professional life. An Unconventional Approach to Positive Thinking to Achieve True Success and Happiness will help you understand that while success might happen easier said than done, focussing on a few positive thinking techniques will dramatically increase the probability of success in your life and help you have fun while doing it. If you adopt the principles mentioned in this book in your day-to-day lives; according to how much attention you give to a thought, it will spin the axis of your identity.


Conduct of life

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