Handbook of qualitative research methods in marketing
- Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2008
- xi, 595 p.
PART I: HISTORY AND SCOPE 1. History of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing Sidney J. Levy
PART II: PARADIGMATIC PERSPECTIVES 2. Breaking New Ground: Developing Grounded Theories in Marketing and Consumer Behavior Eileen Fischer and Cele C. Otnes
3. The Semiotic Paradigm on Meaning in the Marketplace David Glen Mick and Laura R. Oswald
4. Rethinking the Critical Imagination Jeff B. Murray and Julie L. Ozanne
PART III: RESEARCH CONTEXTS 5. Qualitative Research in Advertising: Twenty Years in Revolution Linda M. Scott
6. Qualitative Historical Research in Marketing Terrence H. Witkowski and D.G. Brian Jones
7. Researching the Cultures of Brands Anders Bengtsson and Jacob Ostberg
8. Researching Brands Ethnographically: An Interpretive Community Approach Steven M. Kates
9. Making Contexts Matter: Selecting Research Contexts for Theoretical Insights Eric Arnould, Linda Price and Risto Moisio
PART IV: DATA COLLECTION METHODS 10. Netnography 2.0 Robert V. Kozinets
11. Let’s Pretend: Projective Methods Reconsidered Dennis W. Rook
12. Stories: How they are Used and Produced in Market(ing) Research Gillian C. Hopkinson and Margaret K. Hogg
13.The Extended Case Method in Consumer Research Steven M. Kates
14. Unpacking the Many Faces of Introspective Consciousness: A Metacognitive–Poststructuralist Exercise Stephen J. Gould
15. Mixed Methods in Interpretive Research: An Application to the Study of the Self Concept Shalini Bahl and George R. Milne
16. The Monticello Correction: Consumption in History Linda M. Scott, Jason Chambers and Katherine Sredl
17. Using Video-Elicitation to Research Sensitive Topics: Understanding the Purchase Process Following Natural Disaster Shay Sayre
18. Using Oral History Methods in Consumer Research Richard Elliott and Andrea Davies
19. Focus Groups in Marketing Research Miriam Catterall and Pauline Maclaren
20. Fielding Ethnographic Teams: Strategy, Implementation and Evaluation John F. Sherry
PART V: DATA ANALYSIS METHODS 21. Writing Pictures/Taking Fieldnotes: Towards a More Visual and Material Ethnographic Consumer Research Lisa Peñaloza and Julien Cayla
22. Metaphors, Needs and New Product Ideation Jeffrey F. Durgee and Manli Chen
23. Critical Visual Analysis Jonathan E. Schroeder
24. Framing the Research and Avoiding Harm: Representing the Vulnerability of Consumers Stacey Menzel Baker and James W. Gentry
PART VI: PRESENTING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 25. Camcorder Society: Quality Videography in Consumer and Marketing Research Robert V. Kozinets and Russell W. Belk
26. Writing it Up, Writing it Down: Being Reflexive in Accounts of Consumer Behavior Annamma Joy, John F. Sherry, Gabriele Troilo and Jonathan Deschenes
27. Reading Ethnographic Research: Bringing Segments to Life Through Movie Making and Metaphor Diane M. Martin, John W. Schouten and James H. McAlexander
28. Entering Entertainment: Creating Consumer Documentaries for Corporate Clients Patricia L. Sunderland
PART VII: APPLICATIONS 29. Capturing Time Cele C. Otnes, Julie A. Ruth, Tina M. Lowrey and Suraj Commuri
30. Consumption Experiences as Escape: An Application of the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique Robin A. Coulter
31. Romancing the Gene: Making Myth From ‘Hard Science’ Elizabeth C. Hirschman and Donald Panther-Yates
32. Pushing the Boundaries of Ethnography in the Practice of Marketing Research Rita M. Denny
33. Autobiography Stephen Brown
34. The Consumption of Stories Sidney J. Levy
35. Discerning Marketers’ Meanings: Depth Interviews with Sales Executives June Cotte and Geoffrey Kistruck
36. Photo Essays and the Mining of Minutiae in Consumer Research: ’Bout the Time I got to Phoenix Morris B. Holbrook
PART VIII: SPECIAL ISSUES 37. The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography in Anthropology and Marketing Karin M. Ekström
38. Doing Research on Sensitive Topics: Studying Covered Turkish Women Güliz Ger and Özlem Sandikci
39. Grasping the Global: Multi-sited Ethnographic Market Studies Dannie Kjeldgaard, Fabien Faurholt Csaba and Güliz Ger
40. In Pursuit of the ‘Inside View’: Training the Research Gaze on Advertising and Market Practitioners Daniel Thomas Cook
41. Research Ethnicity and Consumption Lisa Peñaloza
42. The Etiquette of Qualitative Research Julie A. Ruth and Cele C. Otnes
The Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing offers both basic and advanced treatments intended to serve academics, students, and marketing research professionals. The 42 chapters begin with a history of qualitative methods in marketing by Sidney Levy and continue with detailed discussions of current thought and practice in:
• research paradigms such as grounded theory and semiotics • research contexts such as advertising and brands • data collection methods such as projectives and netnography • data analysis methods such as metaphoric and visual analyses • presentation topics such as videography and reflexivity • applications such as ZMET applied to Broadway plays and depth interviews with executives • special issues such as multi-sited ethnography and research on sensitive topics.
Authors include leading scholars and practitioners from North America and Europe. They draw on a wealth of experience using well-established as well as emerging qualitative research methods. The result is a thorough, timely, and useful Handbook that will educate, inspire, and serve as standard reference for marketing academics and practitioners alike.
Marketing research--Methodology Qualitative research--Methodology Consumers--Research--Methodology Marketing Marketing research