Supply chain management for humanitarians: tools for practice - London Kogan Page Limited 2016 - xvi, 398 p.

Section - 01: Logistics and supply chain management in the humanitarian context;
Chapter - 1.1: Introduction;Chapter - 1.2: Exploring logistics competences and capabilities in not-for-profit environments: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières;
Section - 02: Setting up a supply chain network;
Chapter - 2.1: Setting up a humanitarian supply network;Chapter - 2.2: Service triad case study;Chapter - 2.3: Setting up a supply chain network in the Kenyan nutrition sector;
Section - 03: Supply chain strategy;
Chapter - 3.1: Supply chain strategy;Chapter - 3.2: Case study: partnerships – supply chain strategy;
Section - 04: Decision making in the supply chain;
Chapter - 4.1: Decision making in humanitarian logistics;Chapter - 4.2: Forecasts, financing and acceleration of humanitarian logistics: from supply chain to value chain;
Section - 05: Procurement ;
Chapter - 5.1: Procurement in humanitarian supply chains;Chapter - 5.2: Joint tender for freight-forwarding services: promises and pitfalls;Chapter - 5.3: A procurement project in the Philippines;Chapter - 5.4: Partnerships and innovative procurement as enablers for sustainable development goals;
Section - 06: Transportation, fleet management, delivery and distribution;
Chapter - 6.1: Transport in humanitarian supply chains;Chapter - 6.2: Humanitarian aid supply corridors: Europe–Iraq;
Section - 07: Warehouse and inventory management;
Chapter - 7.1: Warehousing in humanitarian logistics;Chapter - 7.2: The ABC analysis;
Section - 08: Information technology;
Chapter - 8.1: Information systems for humanitarian logistics: concepts and design principles;Chapter - 8.2: GDACSmobile: an IT tool supporting assessments for humanitarian logistics;
Section - 09: Sustainability, performance measurement, monitoring/evaluation and exit strategy;
Chapter - 9.1: Logistics competency for humanitarian relief: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières;Chapter - 9.2: Community-managed rural water supply in Ethiopia;Chapter - 9.3: Managing supply chain sustainability risks;Chapter - 9.4: Using three-dimensional printing in a humanitarian context: challenges and solutions;Chapter - 9.5: Making performance measurement work in humanitarian logistics: the case of an IT-supported balanced scorecard;Chapter - 9.6: Boko Haram: the security and supply chain management challenges of providing relief;Chapter - 9.7: Measuring the supply chain performance of humanitarian organizations: the case of Thai Red Cross in Chiangmai

About the book
Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians provides an in-depth insight into the management of supply chains in the context of humanitarian logistics. This accessible and practical book considers humanitarian logistics from a strategic and operational perspective.

The overarching theme is collaboration and coordination, one of the biggest challenges in the humanitarian community. Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians takes a problem-based learning approach, featuring real cases and examples from leading organizations including Oxfam, Unicef, and The Red Cross.

Each chapter is self-standing, relating the content in each chapter to the supply chain as a whole. This enables the reader to easily dip into different sections. At the end of each chapter, there is a case study written by a leading practitioner currently working in the humanitarian field.

Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians fills a much needed gap in the market and is essential reading for humanitarians worldwide.


Business logistics
Humanitarian assistance

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