Fictional languages in science fiction literature: stylistic explorations

Noletto, Israel A. C

Fictional languages in science fiction literature: stylistic explorations - New York Routledge 2024 - x, 259 p. - Routledge Studies in Speculative Fiction Series .

Table of content:


List of texts

List of figures

Chapter 1 – Fictional languages as stylistic and narrative devices

Chapter 2 – A speculative function: philosophical languages

Chapter 3 – A rhetorical function: dialectal extrapolations

Chapter 4 – A descriptive function: world-building languages

Chapter 5 – A diegetic function: superlanguages and antilanguages

Chapter 6 – A paratextual function: different textualities

Chapter 7 – Multifunctional readings


Fictional Languages in Science Fiction Literature surveys a large number of fictional languages, those created as part of a literary world, to present a multifaceted account of the literary phenomenon of glossopoesis (language invention). Consisting of a few untranslated sentences, exotic names, or even fully-fledged languages with detailed grammar and vocabulary, fictional languages have been a common element of English-language fiction since Thomas More’s Utopia (1516).

Different notions of the functions of such fictional languages in narrative have been proposed: as rooted in phonaesthetics and contextual features, or as being used for characterisation and construction of alterity. Framed within stylistics and informed by narrative theory, literary theory, literary pragmatics, and semiotics, this study combines previous typologies into a new 5-part reading model comprising unique analytical approaches tailored to science fiction’s specific discourse and style, exploring the relationship between glossopoesis, world-building, storytelling, interpretation, and rhetoric, both in prose and paratexts.



Science fiction

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