History of political thought: Vol. II bentham to present day

Singh, Sukhbir

History of political thought: Vol. II bentham to present day - 4th - Meerut Rastogi Publications 2003 - xii, 448 p

Table of content:
CONTENTS: 1. Utilitarianism in Politics; 2. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832); 3. J. S. Mill (1806-1873); 4. John Austin (1790-1859); 5. Idealism in Politics : Immanuel Kant (1724-1804); 6. George Willhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831); 7. Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882); 8. Bernard Bosanquet (1848-1923); 9. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903); 10. The Psychological School; 11. Sociological School; 12. Karl Marx (1818-1883); 13. Nikolai Lenin (1870-1924); 14. G.D.H. Cole (1889-1959); 15. Guild Socialism; 16. Fabianism and Democratic Socialism or Collectivism; 17. Syndicalism; 18. Communism and Anarchism; 19. Fascism; 20. Political Pluralism; 21. Harold J. Laski (1893-1950); 22. M.K. Gandhi (1869-1948); 23. J.V. Stalin (1879-1953); 24. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970); 25. Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976); 26. Harold D. Lasswell (1902); 27. Behaviouralism; 28. Post Behaviouralism; 29. General System Theory; 30. Political Culture; 31. Political Modernisation; Bibliography.



Political thought
Political science

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