Account-based growth:
Burgess, Bev
Account-based growth: unlocking sustainable value through extraordinary customer focus - London Kogan Page Ltd. 2022 - xxi, 276 p.
Table of contents
Section - ONE: Introducing account-based growth;
Chapter - 01: The case for account-based growth;Chapter - 02: Account-based growth in practice;
Section - TWO: Aligning internally for growth;
Chapter - 03: Account prioritization and resource allocation;Chapter - 04: Integrated account business planning;Chapter - 05: Managing data, technology and operations;Chapter - 06: Leadership, culture and change;
Section - THREE: Engaging externally for growth;
Chapter - 07: Account management and sales;Chapter - 08: Account-based marketing;Chapter - 09: Customer success;Chapter - 10: Executive sponsorship and engagement;
Section - FOUR: Account-based growth assessment tool;
Chapter - 11: How does your company stack up
Account-Based Growth introduces a comprehensive framework for improving internal alignment and external engagement with these vital few. It contains bullet-pointed takeaways at the end of each chapter plus a comprehensive checklist to help you improve your own company's approach to its most important customers.
Social responsibility of business
Sustainable development
658.408 / BUR
Account-based growth: unlocking sustainable value through extraordinary customer focus - London Kogan Page Ltd. 2022 - xxi, 276 p.
Table of contents
Section - ONE: Introducing account-based growth;
Chapter - 01: The case for account-based growth;Chapter - 02: Account-based growth in practice;
Section - TWO: Aligning internally for growth;
Chapter - 03: Account prioritization and resource allocation;Chapter - 04: Integrated account business planning;Chapter - 05: Managing data, technology and operations;Chapter - 06: Leadership, culture and change;
Section - THREE: Engaging externally for growth;
Chapter - 07: Account management and sales;Chapter - 08: Account-based marketing;Chapter - 09: Customer success;Chapter - 10: Executive sponsorship and engagement;
Section - FOUR: Account-based growth assessment tool;
Chapter - 11: How does your company stack up
Account-Based Growth introduces a comprehensive framework for improving internal alignment and external engagement with these vital few. It contains bullet-pointed takeaways at the end of each chapter plus a comprehensive checklist to help you improve your own company's approach to its most important customers.
Social responsibility of business
Sustainable development
658.408 / BUR