Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity

Keller, Kevin Lane

Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equity - 3rd - New Delhi Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. 2016 - xxiii, 695 p.

Table of Content

Marketing in a recession

Brand communities

Luxury branding

Brand characters

Brand personas

Brand makeovers

Shopper marketing

Person branding

Social currency

Brand potential

Brand extension scorecard

Culture and branding

Brand flashbacks

Future brand priorities

The fourth edition of Strategic Brand Management offers a comprehensive view of the changing technological, cultural, global, and economic environment that brands face. The book is well-grounded in practice and can be easily related to past and current marketing activities, events, and case studies.
&bull Science of Branding boxes have been included to provide in-depth treatment of cutting-edge ideas and concepts.
&bull Each chapter contains a Brand Focus appendix that delves into detail on specific and related branding topics, such as brand audits, legal issues, brand crises, and private labels.
&bull Numerous in-text examples, highlighting brands such as Dettol, Colgate, and Jet Airways, have been introduced to illuminate the discussion of virtually every topic, and a series of Branding Brief boxes provide more in-depth examinations of ed topics or brands.


Brand name products--Management
Product management
Brand name products

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