Econometrics for dummies

Pedace, Roberto

Econometrics for dummies - Hoboken John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013 - xvi, 342 p.

Econometrics can prove challenging for many students unfamiliar with the terms and concepts discussed in a typical econometrics course. Econometrics For Dummies eliminates that confusion with easy-to-understand explanations of important topics in the study of economics.

Econometrics For Dummies breaks down this complex subject and provides you with an easy-to-follow course supplement to further refine your understanding of how econometrics works and how it can be applied in real-world situations.

An excellent resource for anyone participating in a college or graduate level econometrics course
Provides you with an easy-to-follow introduction to the techniques and applications of econometrics
Helps you score high on exam day
If you're seeking a degree in economics and looking for a plain-English guide to this often-intimidating course, Econometrics For Dummies has you covered.


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