Speak with impact
Sharma, Meenakshi
Speak with impact - Haryana Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd. 2014 - xi, 342 p. - IIMA business books series .
If you are among those who tremble and break into a sweat at the thought of facing an audience, or hesitate in offering an opinion, you are not alone. When this happens a few times, we begin to feel that spoken communication is not our forte and we begin to avoid it as far as possible, and when we cannot avoid it, we go through it anyhow, reconciled to not making much of an impact. Prof Meenakshi Sharma in Speak With Impact shows you how to get results and to leave a mark. Interactive, accessible, and with a host of useful examples, Speak With Impact equips you to sharpen your ability to leave an impact on others with your every interaction.
Business communication
Public speaking
Verbal ability
Business presentation
Oral communication
651.73 / SHA
Speak with impact - Haryana Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd. 2014 - xi, 342 p. - IIMA business books series .
If you are among those who tremble and break into a sweat at the thought of facing an audience, or hesitate in offering an opinion, you are not alone. When this happens a few times, we begin to feel that spoken communication is not our forte and we begin to avoid it as far as possible, and when we cannot avoid it, we go through it anyhow, reconciled to not making much of an impact. Prof Meenakshi Sharma in Speak With Impact shows you how to get results and to leave a mark. Interactive, accessible, and with a host of useful examples, Speak With Impact equips you to sharpen your ability to leave an impact on others with your every interaction.
Business communication
Public speaking
Verbal ability
Business presentation
Oral communication
651.73 / SHA