Einstein's year of miracles: E=mc², the light quantum and special theory of relativity

Ghatak, Ajoy

Einstein's year of miracles: E=mc², the light quantum and special theory of relativity - New Delhi Viva Books Private Ltd. 2020 - Xlviii, 140 p.

This text is about Sir Albert Einstein’s two world famous theories i.e. theory of relativity and quantum theory. In this book, the author presents his special theory of relativity (STR) and the quantum theory to young physicists in a lucid and exciting manner. He touches on history, relativistic kinematics, relativistic dynamics and relativistic electrodynamics briefly and in a novel approach. The book is presented with lots of examples, illustrations and problems at the end of each chapter. The author presents time dilation in a simple fashion where the constancy of the velocity of light in different frames is presented in a subtle fashion. Since Einstein is considered as one of the supreme intellects of all time therefore author dedicated first chapter to him with a brief life sketch.


Special Relativity

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