Cryptography, network security, and cyber laws
Menezes, Bernard
Cryptography, network security, and cyber laws - New Delhi Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2018 - xix, 488 p.
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Computer Networking Primer
3. Mathematical Background for Cryptography
4. Basics of Cryptography
5. Secret Key Cryptography
6. Public Key Cryptography and RSA
7. Cryptographic Hash
8. Discrete Logarithm and its Applications
9. Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Advanced Encryption Standard
10. Key Management
11. Authentication–I
12. Authentication–II
13. IPSec—Security at the Network Layer
14. Security at the Transport Layer
15. IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Security
16. Cellphone Security
17. Non-Cryptographic Protocol Vulnerabilities
18. Software Vulnerabilities
19. Viruses, Worms, and Other Malware
20. Access Control in the Operating System
21. Firewalls
22. Intrusion Prevention and Detection
23. RFIDs and E-Passports
24. Electronic Payment
25. Web Services Security
26. Internet Law and Cyber Crimes
27. The Information Technology Act, 2000
Hardly a month passes without a news splash on cyber security—be it a new virus strain, botnets, denial of service, or a high-profile break-in. Security was once the preserve of the military and, more recently, of banks. Today, awareness of security policy and practices has moved to the homes and offices of people at large. We are more dependent on the Internet than ever before—for banking, e-trading, e-commerce, and more. All of a sudden it seems like identity theft, phishing attacks, and spyware are everyone's concerns. Indeed, given the stakes involved, it is hardly surprising that many corporations worldwide have increased their spending on IT security over the last ten years.
Risk analysis, security policy and management, compliance, etc., all come under the purview of security. This book, Cryptography, Network Security, and Cyber Laws, is principally about providing and understanding technological solutions to security. It is about the underlying vulnerabilities in systems, services, and communication protocols. It is about their exploitation and methods to defend against them.
Computer networks- Security measures
Data encryption (Computer science)
005.8 / MEN
Cryptography, network security, and cyber laws - New Delhi Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2018 - xix, 488 p.
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Computer Networking Primer
3. Mathematical Background for Cryptography
4. Basics of Cryptography
5. Secret Key Cryptography
6. Public Key Cryptography and RSA
7. Cryptographic Hash
8. Discrete Logarithm and its Applications
9. Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Advanced Encryption Standard
10. Key Management
11. Authentication–I
12. Authentication–II
13. IPSec—Security at the Network Layer
14. Security at the Transport Layer
15. IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Security
16. Cellphone Security
17. Non-Cryptographic Protocol Vulnerabilities
18. Software Vulnerabilities
19. Viruses, Worms, and Other Malware
20. Access Control in the Operating System
21. Firewalls
22. Intrusion Prevention and Detection
23. RFIDs and E-Passports
24. Electronic Payment
25. Web Services Security
26. Internet Law and Cyber Crimes
27. The Information Technology Act, 2000
Hardly a month passes without a news splash on cyber security—be it a new virus strain, botnets, denial of service, or a high-profile break-in. Security was once the preserve of the military and, more recently, of banks. Today, awareness of security policy and practices has moved to the homes and offices of people at large. We are more dependent on the Internet than ever before—for banking, e-trading, e-commerce, and more. All of a sudden it seems like identity theft, phishing attacks, and spyware are everyone's concerns. Indeed, given the stakes involved, it is hardly surprising that many corporations worldwide have increased their spending on IT security over the last ten years.
Risk analysis, security policy and management, compliance, etc., all come under the purview of security. This book, Cryptography, Network Security, and Cyber Laws, is principally about providing and understanding technological solutions to security. It is about the underlying vulnerabilities in systems, services, and communication protocols. It is about their exploitation and methods to defend against them.
Computer networks- Security measures
Data encryption (Computer science)
005.8 / MEN