Bibliometric studies in the internet era
Mahapatra, Gayatri
Bibliometric studies in the internet era - New Delhi Indiana Publishing House 2013 - xii, 244 p.
The Book is the result of author’s continuous involvement in the teaching and research on Bibliometric for the last two decades.Designed in the form of a textbook,the documents will be useful for the students and research scholars in library and information science as well as may guide the library professionals,information scientist,and database managers to evaluate their library collection,quality of service and the contents of the databases.The rivision of the book has been done keeping in mind the emergence of the internet and e-publications,which will help them to analyve the web resources. The book covers the Bibliometric Studies under eleven chapters.The first chapter introduces the therotical concepts of Bibliometric Studies. Chapter 2-10 are devoted to individual studies relating to growth of literature,authorship study,language and types of documents used studies,repetitiveness of citations,bibliographic coupling,self-citation,core journals,core books,core authores,subject despersion etc.studies.One of the additional features of the book is that a specific chapter is included on webometrics looking to the type of collection of the libraries and its changing scenario among the users and publishing industries. The unique features of this book is that along with the various aspects of Bibliometrics,actual procedures are presented with examples. This book will be an indispensable tool in understanding the theoretical aspects and practical applications in applying the Bibliometric techenique for designing and information retrieval system,databases,collection devrelopment prioritization of services to the clienteles,etc.
Information science--Statistical methods
Library science
Library statistics
020.21 / MAH
Bibliometric studies in the internet era - New Delhi Indiana Publishing House 2013 - xii, 244 p.
The Book is the result of author’s continuous involvement in the teaching and research on Bibliometric for the last two decades.Designed in the form of a textbook,the documents will be useful for the students and research scholars in library and information science as well as may guide the library professionals,information scientist,and database managers to evaluate their library collection,quality of service and the contents of the databases.The rivision of the book has been done keeping in mind the emergence of the internet and e-publications,which will help them to analyve the web resources. The book covers the Bibliometric Studies under eleven chapters.The first chapter introduces the therotical concepts of Bibliometric Studies. Chapter 2-10 are devoted to individual studies relating to growth of literature,authorship study,language and types of documents used studies,repetitiveness of citations,bibliographic coupling,self-citation,core journals,core books,core authores,subject despersion etc.studies.One of the additional features of the book is that a specific chapter is included on webometrics looking to the type of collection of the libraries and its changing scenario among the users and publishing industries. The unique features of this book is that along with the various aspects of Bibliometrics,actual procedures are presented with examples. This book will be an indispensable tool in understanding the theoretical aspects and practical applications in applying the Bibliometric techenique for designing and information retrieval system,databases,collection devrelopment prioritization of services to the clienteles,etc.
Information science--Statistical methods
Library science
Library statistics
020.21 / MAH